The Friends of the Asotin County Library is a non-profit organization that raises funds to support Library programs and special projects. The Friends have a rich history of actively fundraising, supporting programs, and volunteering their time.
Become a Friend
We are always seeking new members and volunteers! You can join by completing the Membership Form. The form can be dropped off at either Library branch or mailed to:
Friends of the Asotin County Library, Membership
417 Sycamore St
Clarkston, WA 99403
The Friends usually meet on the 4th Wednesday of odd numbered months at 3:00pm in the Downtown Library’s Community Room.
Support the Friends
A donation to the Friends of the Asotin County Library helps the Library continue to enrich lives throughout the local community.
A completed donation form with a check or money order made payable to Friends of the Asotin County Library can be dropped off at either Library branch or mailed to 417 Sycamore St, Clarkston, WA 99403.
Donations are also accepted via PayPal.
Other Ways to Support:
Shop the gently used books cart at the Downtown Library
Buy a Friends of the Asotin County Library book bag
Give annually on Library Giving Day
Donate your used books for the semi-annual sidewalk book sale
Your support and generosity are greatly appreciated!
Building the Downtown Library in 1991
Development of a new library website and logo in 2023
Patron Appreciation Cookies every Thursday at the Downtown Library
Cellphone and tablet charging stations at both Library branches
Summer Reading supplies and prizes for all ages
Various adult and youth craft programs
Adult programs that welcome authors, historians, musicians, and poets. Annual highlights include Everybody Reads and Classical Guitarist Peter Fletcher.
Monthly BookPage subscription for community members