Meet Our New Youth Services Librarian

We’d like you to meet and get to know our new Youth Services Librarian, Nicole Hahn. This position is in charge of books, programs, services, and events for patrons age 0-18. This includes ordering books, creating displays, choosing what goes in and how to organize the teen and children’s areas, Summer Reading for children and teens, events like the crafts in the park and Reptile Man, Glowforge services (our laser cutter), and more to come. You’ll want to keep an eye out for events and activities coming up in her area!

Nicole joined us May 1, 2024. She is sporting a brand-new Masters in Library and Information Studies (MLIS) from the University of British Columbia (UBC) in Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Her undergraduate work started at Eastern Washington University (EWU) in Cheney, WA, then a two-semester study program at the University of Limerick (UL) in Limerick, Ireland and back to EWU to graduate in 2022. She graduated with a teaching degree with endorsements in Literacy and English as a Second Language (ESL). Nicole grew up in Ephrata, WA. 

Nicole did her undergraduate student teaching at On Track Academy (OTA) in Spokane, WA. “This is an alternative high school that aims to meet students where they are at. Students may be behind on credits, in danger of dropping out, or may have not been in school for any amount of time. Teachers here are considered mentors and are responsible for up to 20 mentees. They work with each individual student to come up with a plan to help the student either finish their high school diploma or get their GED. These plans are driven by the students and guided by the mentor. It’s a highly responsive approach that molds education to the specific needs and circumstances of each student. I had a particularly cool experience with one student who told me at some point that they’d never expected to finish high school. I worked a lot with this student, helped them apply for a scholarship (which they won), and have been so happy to see them go off to college and complete a degree.”

You only have to talk with Nicole a short time to discover her excitement and enthusiasm for her new job at the Library and she’s brimming with ideas and eager to become more involved in ACL. According to Nicole, “I have a huge passion for helping others, but especially enjoy the rewards in working with youth and creating unique opportunities and experiences that will allow them to grow and learn in a safe environment. I love education, helping others learn, and finding creative ways to encourage learning and exploration of new passions. I also love supporting youth in their existing passions. It’s the best thing in the world to see how excited people get about their interests and to be infected by that excitement.”

Nicole would like our patrons and the community to know that ACL is not just about books:

  • It’s about providing opportunities they didn’t know existed --it’s about finding resources to expand and enhance their learning -- it’s about using new technologies and new formats to learn and do and think and grow and so much more.  ACL has over 68 databases and materials offered in a variety of formats, and if we don’t have what you need, we can absolutely find a way to get it. Make ACL your first stop in accessing these opportunities.
  • Libraries are a vibrant component in our lives that, unlike many might think, are not becoming irrelevant. They are still needed, more now than ever. We offer resources for everyone and in a format that meets the needs of most everyone – online, visual, kinesiology, audio, explorative, investigative.
  • It’s not just teaching! This is a space dedicated to serving whatever the needs of the public, whatever those may be.

Nicole is hoping to establishing a youth volunteer advisory group (composed of youth) to assist in identifying needs, interest, and resources for youth. “I was a teen not so long ago and I want to connect to that group to further develop opportunities that will interest them, support them, and help them grow.”

On a more personal note, when asked what she likes to do for fun and relaxation when not at the Library, Nicole offers,

“I am an avid, long-time reader and also love watching Korean dramas. They’ve cracked the code on storytelling and complex characters. They have this magical combination of character-driven plot that manages to be funny, heart-breaking, stressful, charming, and epic all at once. And there are so many genres! Comedy, romance, action, fantasy, historical, etc. I could talk about them for ages, so I’ll stop myself here.

I also love music. My longest playlist has 67 hours of music on it! 

I love hiking and swimming! Cliff diving or trying to balance on a large piece of driftwood are my favorite ways to enjoy the water.

I enjoy traveling and have been on many amazing trips. My family has taken countless long road trips to visit family in Canada, North Dakota, and Arizona. This has meant anywhere from 12-24 hours in the car making pit stops in places like Banff in the Canadian Rockies, Mt. Rushmore, and Las Vegas. I worked in Minnesota the past two summers so have been to the Mall of America (which I highly recommend if you get the chance). Cancun and the U.S. Virgin Islands taught me what humidity truly means. While studying abroad in Ireland, I got to see the Cliffs of Moher, Blarney Castle (with the famous Blarney kissing stone), the Aran Islands (small islands off the Western Coast with the densest population of Gaelic speakers in the country), Dublin (capital of Ireland and where the Titanic was built), Cork (just north of the last port the Titanic left before it sunk), and Belfast (capital of Northern Ireland). I also traveled off the island to London (England), Vienna (Austria), Bari (Italy), and Tilburg (Netherlands) for a month on holiday break between semesters. I love traveling locally too and have done a couple road trips down the Olympic Peninsula which have been incredible.”

When asked about challenges facing ACL, Nicole responded “As a new employee I’m trying to learn more about the resources and services we do and can offer. As a newcomer to the area, I’m also learning about the community, becoming more involved, and discovering needs, interests, and passions. Ask me again next year!”

Nicole is a very vibrant, enthusiastic, passionate and caring young professional with a quick laugh, an eager smile, and a willingness and passion to help, but her passion lies in helping youth explore the possibilities, opportunities, and passions they are truly interested in. Stop by the library and say hello and follow our newsletter and website for future programs and activities under Nicole’s leadership.

Welcome to the Asotin County Library, Nicole! We’re so glad you are here!

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